This collection of poignant Mantra?s, inspiring photography and thoughtful art is designed to stimulate your inner core. These gifts from us to you are meant to encourage and guide the wonder within. They bring a sense of self, peace and passion. We hope to help you to replace old concepts ( messages if you will?from the goblins of the past). These are the images that built walls of doubt that told us we cannot go this way. This book says ?you can?. The daily Mantra on each page is strong yet flexible enough to create your own sense of beauty and truth. With each page ask the universe to expand your world.The vision will come.Each day is a newly wrapped gift for you to open. Breakaway from the darkness that clouds your way from past challenges.Like the little red choo choo train…I think I can…I think I can… faster…faster…Suddenly! Today I Can…Enjoy the ride.
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